Knudson Family Drama.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

She Slams Doors

She says "no way Jose" and she screams "I told you to go away." She likes to have her toes painted, her hair in a pony tail or braids, but heaven forbid you should brush it and "hurt her hair" and she likes to play in the dirt. She loves to wear jammies all day, sweatpants just like mom, and a dress like sissy bug. She's got enough attitude to fill a hot hair balloon that will cruise around the world and back again.

In a flash her horns have come out and she has done something mean, she's sent to her room and she slams the door.

She's quick to say she's sorry when she knows she has really done something wrong. She gives the best hugs and cuddles; she's mine through and through.

I'm hoping she's getting all the tude out now so there won't be any left when she's 16. I have this feeling she's exactly like me.

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